Bioinspired chemistry

Sustainable syntheses and materials

In our modern society, products of the chemical industry are a part of almost all areas of daily life and our life quality greatly depends on the sustainable availability of functional chemical synthesis products.

In line with the raw materials change, the central subject of the innovation field Bioinspired Chemistry is to enable the controlled utilization of biomolecular functionalities for the development of innovative and green fine- and specialty chemicals, biobased polymers, and functional materials, applying new synthetic pathways.

We understand bioinspiration as the application of exclusive molecular structures derived from renewable resources and their maximal functional integration in chemical products. In this way, innovations in novel synthesis spaces emerge, allowing for advantageous properties particularly due to their biogenic origin.

For this we connect and combine biobased chemistry with already established technologies for future markets, driving forward demand-meeting developments in a way that is inspired by resources, function, and the chemistry of nature. We consider bioinspired chemistry as a valuable, complementary, enhancing, and viable alternative to the established, mostly fossil based chemistry.

Our concept involves focused interdisciplinary approaches of synthetic and retrosynthetic strategies combining chemical and biological aspects und therefore give way to innovative production processes. We develop holistic solutions for diverse and complex problems. We use knowledge of areas of organic chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, biotechnology, polymer chemistry and material processing. Therefore, we can give specific and agile answers to the current challenges due to our interlocking research topics, including techno-economical requirements and practical implementation.

The aim is to expand the toolbox for sustainable synthesis by an overall view on resources, conversion methods, desired product properties, processing technology, and end-of-life scenarios of the products. The performance of the products is evaluated regarding application demands and optimized for industrial usage to achieve technology leaps towards new “green” chemicals and materials comprising new functionality. For this, our leitmotif is “easy access, technologically feasible, and highly functional due to the biobased components”.

Fields of activity and technologies

Bioinspired synthesis routes


Organic chemistry

  • Synthesis Development
  • Organic synthesis of small molecules
  • Building blocks for new bio-based thermoplastics and epoxy resins
  • Modified biopolymers
    • Development of purification methods
    • Optimization by means of statistical experimental design
    • Scale-up of syntheses

Bioorganic chemistry

  • Chemo-enzymatic synthesis routes
  • Functional proteins: proteins in material and application development

Biobased polymers and materials


Biobased polymers and additives

  • Chemical modification of polysaccharides
  • Controlled degradation of lignin
  • Conversion of biomolecules to specialty polymers
    • Polyamides from monoterpenes
  • Development of biobased plasticizers and nucleating agents
  • Additivation of polymersobased materials

Plastics technology

  • Extrusion
    • Injection molding
    • Thermal forming processes
    • Production and material processability
  • Chemical analysis
    • Material characterization
    • Material testing
    • Testing of new developed materials

Biohybrid materials

  • Catalytically active materials
  • Intelligent or switchable materials
  • Tailor-made solutions for the agricultural industry based on residual materials

Laboratory for technical biopolymers ‒ LTBP

In this project, which is funded by the Bavarian Ministry of State, we cover the entire value chain of biobased materials: from the identification of suitable starting materials, through functionalization, polymerization and additivation, to recyclability and biodegradability.


This makes us a competent contact for regional and national industry and research on the subject of biogenic plastics.


Dr. Robert Scherf

Dr. Harald Strittmatter

Terpene-based polyamides: Caramid-R® and Caramid-S®

Caramid-R® and Caramid-S® are examples of a new class of polyamides that are produced from monoterpenes which are a side product of the pulp and paper industry. Starting from 3-carene, new lactams are synthesized by a patented process and subsequently polymerized to Caramid-R® and Caramid-S®.



… for further information refer to our press release:

We would like to be your partner for the development of sustainable synthetic procedures for innovative chemical products. We would be happy to support you concerning the choice of suitable funding possibilities.

In detail we support you for:

Research and Development

  • Identification of suitable raw material for the development of new products and new materials
  • Identification of new applications for new biobased products
  • Literature and patent studies
  • Molecular biological and technical optimization of enzymes and enzyme reactions
  • Custom synthesis and contract screening
  • Development of procedures for the utilization of residues
  • Development of procedures for the integration of renewable resources and their chemical structures in industrially established processes --> synthesis of biobased alternatives for fossil based compounds
  • Evaluation of optimized synthetic procedures for the production of target products
  • Optimization of reactions by design of experiment
  • Scale-up of reactions (up to 4 liter reaction volume; further scale-up at Fraunhofer CBP)

Cooperation for research projects

  • Identification of suitable funding possibilities (national, European)
  • Support by the formation of a project consortium and by communication with possible partners
  • Support by project applications
  • Communications with funding authorities


  • Chemical analysis and structure identification
  • Contract analysis

We also offer services concerning materials and (biobased) polymers as part of the Laboratory for Technical Biopolymers (LTBP):

  • Selection of suitable biogenic raw- and waste products
  • Screening of polymerization methods
  • Polymerization at lab scale
  • Functionalization of natural biopolymers
  • Selection and development of biobased polymer additives
  • Development of composite materials with natural materials
  • Polymer analytics
  • Material characterization
  • Material testing
  • Analysis of product failures and assessment
  • Biocompatibility
  • End-of-life scenarios (in planning)
    • Material cycles
    • Biodegradability

We are your partner for the development of the sustainable synthesis processes and the innovative chemical products of the future. We focus on the selection of biobased resources, the development of modern conversion and production processes and particularly on the application of catalytic processes (chemo-, bio- and electro-catalysis). This includes the analytical and functional evaluation of these processes and products. Following that idea, our goal is the production of new products and materials derived from renewables, residual streams, and carbon dioxide (CO2) in an environmentally benign manner – together with our partners. For this, we rely on our modern laboratories for biotechnology, chemistry, polymer chemistry, and our technicum for material processing including the following equipment:


  • Automatized laboratory reactors
  • High pressure reactors
  • Catalyst screening station
  • 10 L fermenter
  • Polymerization reactor/Hydrogenation reactor (coming 2022)
  • Glovebox
  • Ovens
  • Vacuum drying oven
  • Press
  • Cutting mill (coming 2022)
  • Injection moulding
  • Extrusion (coming 2022)


Chemical structure determination

  • 400 MHz-Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
  • FTIR-spectroscopy (transmission and ATR)

Chromatographic methods

  • Gas chromatography (GC)
  • High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
  • Size exclusion chromatography / Gel permeation chromatography (SEC/GPC)
  • Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC)

Other methods

  • Autotitrator
  • TOC Analyzer (coming 2022)

Material characterization

Thermal analysis

  • Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
  • Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)
  • Determination of the heat deflection temperature (HDT) (coming 2022)

Mechanical properties

  • Testing of the impact strength (coming 2022)
  • Shore hardness (DIN ISO 7619-1)
  • Rheology/DMA (coming 2022)
  • Capillary viscometry by Ubbelohde-viscosimeter

Other methods

  • Microscopy
  • Density measurement of solids and fluids
  • Conditioning of specimen

1. Synthesis/processing


Automatized laboratory reactors

Data collection for the development of novel synthesis, optimization of reaction protocols, establishment of robust and secure processes.


Double jacket glass reactors 0,5 L – 4 L installed
Upgradable to 50 L
Temperature -10 °C – 200 °C
Parameter control Temperature, pH-value, stirring speed, dosing of fluids

High pressure reactors

Chemical synthesis with gas reactants and high pressure.


High pressure reactors Short description
Parallel autoclave station Four parallel reactors in lab scale
Volume: 100 mL/reactor
Pressure: up to 300 bar
Temperature: up to 400 °C
Material: Hastelloy C22
Stirrer: gassing
Computer control and exact documentation of reaction data
Small scale autoclave Volume: 50 mL + 100 mL,
Pressure: up to 150 bar
Temperature: up to 250 °C
Material: stainless steel
Acidulation autoclaves Volume: 45 mL + 125 mL
Pressure: up to 120 bar
Temperature: up to 250 °C
Material: PTFE-inlay and stainless steel shell
Parr batch reactor Volume: 2 L
Pressure: up to 100 bar
Temperature: up to 350 °C
Material: stainless steel
Stirrer: gassing and paddle stirring

Catalyst screening station

Parallel catalyst screening under defined conditions.


Screening-System Short description
Heterogeneous catalyst screening station Four parallel reactors
Temperature: up to 500 °C
Pressure: up to 80 bar
Material: Steel
Gases: CO, CO2, H2, N2, Ar, synthetic air, hydrocarbons
Gas flow: 10 – 100 mL min-1
Fluids: H2O (0-2.5 g h-1)
Three-phase reactor (fixed-bed) Volume: D = 6 mm; H = 200 mm
Pressure: up to 10 bar
Temperature: up to 450 °C
Material: Steel or glass
Gases: NH3, N2, synthetic air
Volume flows: liquid up to 2 mL/min ; Gases up to 100 mL/min

10 L fermenter


short description
15 L vessel
(hight:diameter - 3:1)
Working volume 3 – 10 L
Pressure resistance -1 – 3 bar  
Gassing control 0,6 – 30 L min-1 (0,04 – 2 vvm), air, N2
Stirring 2x6 paddle Rushton-Turbine
900 W brushless Motor
Pump control 4x peristaltic pumps (max. 300 mL min-1)
Sensors pH, pO2, antifoam, temperature
Monitoring and (feedback) control Control pH (1 – 13) und pO2 (0 – 100 %)
Antifoam agent dosing
Media- / substrate dosing
Temperature (8 – 150°C)
Stirring (10 – 1.500 rpm)

Polymerization reactor/Hydrogenation reactor (coming 2022)

2-step mini-plant for demonstration of polycondensation under application-oriented conditions and for hydrogenation of organic compounds.


system short description
Working volume Two 1,5 L autoclaves with distillation uni
Monitoring and (feedback) control Fully (feedback) controlled mini-plant with gas dosing
Temperature Up to 350 °C
Pressure Up to 200 bar



system short description
Inert atmosphere (N2, Ar) Allows very air- or moisture-sensitive reactions
(< 1 ppm O2 or moisture)
Pressure -15 – 15 mbar
(negative or positive pressure)


Muffle furnace and calciners with optional inert atmosphere and control unit.


system short description
Gases N2, air
Temperature Up to 1200 °C

Vacuum drying oven


short description
Filling capacity 115 L
Vacuum Up to 15 mbar
Temperature Up to 110 °C


Thermal forming under pressure by pressing.


system short description
Surface temperature Up to 300 °C
Pressing force Up to 200 kN

Cutting mill (coming 2022)

Injection moulding


System short description
MiniJet Plunger plastification
Injection moulding (coming 2022)
Screw plastification

Extrusion (coming 2022)

  • Planetary roller extruder
  • Mini-Compounder

2. Analytics


2.1. Chemical structure determination


400 MHz-Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

NMR spectroscopy

Structure determination of organic molecules, end-group determination of polymers, and reaction monitoring (qualitatively and quantitatively).


system short description
9,4 Tesla Magnet

Frequenz 400 MHz

5 mm probe head

Automatically tunable in the range from 1H to 19F and 31P to 109Ag, field gradient up to 140 G/cm

2 channel spectrometer 1D and 2D measurements:
Variable temperature control -100 °C – 150 °C 

FTIR-spectroscopy (transmission and ATR)

Structure determination and reaction control.


short description
ATR unit

Non-destructive substance analysis of solids and fluids

Transmittance measurements (KBr pellets)

Quantitative analysis


2.2. Chromatographic methods


Gas chromatography (GC)

Gas chromatography is used for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic substances and mixtures. This requires vaporization without decomposition of each component.


GC-system short description
Single-Quad-MS-Detector (mass spectrometry)

Identification and determination of components of mixtures such as coatings, natural substances, flavors and odorants

FID (flame ionization detector)

Robust detector for oranic compounds with high sensitivity (detection limit 1 ng)

TCS (thermal conductivity scanner) Universal detector
Headspace Analysis of highly volatile substances
SPME (solid phase micro extraction)

Analysis of samples with low compound concentration by adsorptio

Sample introduction options On-column, SSL (split/splitless), PTV (programmed temperature vaporizer)

High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

High performance liquid chromatography is used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic mixtures.


HPLC-system short description
DAD (Dioden-Array-Detector)

UV/Vis absorbance (full spectrum)

ELSD (Evaporative Light Scattering Detector)

Compound analysis by structure-specific light scattering

RID (Refractive Index Detector) Detection by refractive index changes
MS-Detector (mass spectrometry)  Identification and quantification of compounds, MSn-spectra

Size exclusion chromatography / Gel permeation chromatography (SEC/GPC)

Determination of molecular weight distribution from 102 – 107 g/mol.


system short description

Isocratic Pump, HFIP-compatible devices

Pressure: 200 bar

Differential-refractometer RI-detector

Concentration detector for regular GPC by standard calibration

Multiwavelength UV-Vis detector Determination of structural geometry variation in co-polymers
Multiangle light scattering detector (MALLS) SLD7100 Determination of absolute molecular weight, applicable starting at 10.000 g/mol, used for peptides, natural polymers, etc.
Viscometer detector DVD 1260

Determination of molecular weight by viscosity, applicable starting at 5.000 g/mol

Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC)

Purification of (recombinant) proteins from cell lysates.


system short description

Various column materials for protein purification

UV-Detector (UV-900)

Detection of proteins

Conductivity detector and pH-detector (P/C-900) Monitoring of conductivity and pH value


2.3. Other methods




system short description
Applications Saponification value (DIN 53401)Saponification value lignin Modification
Acid value (DIN 53402)
OH-value (DIN 53240)
End group determination of Polymers
Acid-base titration

TOC Analyzer (coming 2022)

3. Material characterization

3.1. Thermal analysis


Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

Measurement of heat flow variations occurring due to temperature- or time-dependent changes of the physical or chemical sample properties (phase transitions).


system short description

-80 °C – 500 °C


N2, air

Heating rate 0,02 – 300 K/min
Cooling rate
0,02 – 50 K/min

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)

Measurement of mass changes of a sample depending on heat and time.


system short description

Up to 1100 °C

Heating rate

0,02 – 150 K/min

Sample volume Up to 900 µL
Sorption unit  

Up to 95 °C

Rel. humidity 100 %

Determination of the heat deflection temperature (HDT) (coming 2022)

3.2. Mechanical properties


Testing of the impact strength (coming 2022)

Shore hardness (DIN ISO 7619-1)

Digital shore hardness type A and type D with test bench.


system short description
Typ A

For soft materials

Typ D

For medium to hard materials

Resolution 0,1
Accuracy ≤ 1 %

Rheology/DMA (coming 2022)

Establishment of a high-performing combination device for shear-reological investigations under rotation and oszillation and dynamic-mechanical analysis of solids under bending, tension and compression.

Capillary viscometry by Ubbelohde-viscosimeter

Determination of the reduced intrinsic viscosity of diluted solutions of soluble polymers.


short description
Testing according to

DIN EN ISO 307, DIN EN ISO 1628 etc.



Sulfuric acid

Formic acid

Viscosimeter Ubbelohde and micro-Ubbelohde (DIN 51562)

3.3. Other methods



For reflected- and transmitted light applications.


short description
Fiber analysis: 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x
Microbiology: 40x, 100x (Ölimmersion)
5 Mp camera

High-resolution camera for optimal imaging

Test bench with 3-axes motorization Software-automatized imaging with high depth of field

Brightfield / darkfield polarization

Phase contrast Ph1/Ph2/Ph3 Transmitted light

Polarization with additional Lambda-plate

Multitude of contrast-/polarization options for reflected- and transmitted light applications for optimal structure imaging

Density measurement of solids and fluids

Solids: Density balance DIN EN ISO 1183.

Fluids: Density meter (flexural resonator) for measurements of viscous samples according to DIN EN ISO 5725 with adapter heating.


system short description
Density range

0 g/cm³ – 3 g/cm³

Temperature range

0 °C – 100 °C

Sample volume Ca. 1 mL
Accuracy 0,0001 g/cm³

Conditioning of specimen

Climatic chamber for constant conditions for the storage of specimen under standard atmosphere at 23 °C and 50 % relative humidity.

Download brochures and product sheets


Brochure “Laboratory for technical biopolymers”


Product sheet “The miniplant of the laboratory for technical biopolymers”


Brochure “BioCat – Combination of biotechnological and chemical processes”

Scientific publications

Publication Type
2023 Deutsche Normungsroadmap Circular Economy
2023 In situ H2O2 Generation by Choline Oxidase and Its Application in Amino Polysaccharide Degradation by Coupling to Lytic Polysaccharide Monooxygenase
Hoang, Nam-Hai; Golten, Ole; Forsberg, Zarah; Eijsink, Vincent G.H.; Richter, Michael
Journal Article
2023 ATP production from electricity with a new-to-nature electrobiological module
Luo, Shanshan; Adam, David; Giaveri, Simone; Barthel, Sebastian; Cestellos-Blanco, Stefano; Hege, Dominik; Paczia, Nicole; Castaneda Losada, Leonardo; Klose, Melanie; Arndt, Fabian; Heider, Johann; Erb, Tobias J.
Journal Article
2023 A green process for the specific decomposition of chicken feather keratin into polythiol building blocks
Schieder, Andreas; Diener, Julia; Diekmann, Martin; Bartsch, Christian; Dietrich, Florian; Falcke, Claudia; Anic, Iva; Roth, Steffen; Sieber, Volker; Richter, Michael; Taden, Andreas
Journal Article
2022 A High-Throughput Continuous Spectroscopic Assay to Measure the Activity of Natural Product Methyltransferases
Simon-Baram, H.; Roth, Steffen; Niedermayer, Christina; Huber, Patricia; Speck, Melanie; Diener, Julia; Richter, Michael; Bershtein, S.
Journal Article
2022 (+)-Limonene-Lactam: Synthesis of a Sustainable Monomer for Ring-Opening Polymerization to Novel, Biobased Polyamides
Kleybolte, M.M.; Zainer, Laura; Liu, J.Y.; Stockmann, Paul; Winnacker, M.
Journal Article
2021 Multienzyme One-Pot Cascades Incorporating Methyltransferases for the Strategic Diversification of Tetrahydroisoquinoline Alkaloids
Subrizi, F.; Wang, Y.; Thair, B.; Méndez-Sánchez, D.; Roddan, R.; Cárdenas-Fernández, M.; Siegrist, J.; Richter, M.; Andexer, J.N.; Ward, J.M.; Hailes, H.C.
Journal Article
2021 Sustainable chemistry - An interdisciplinary matrix approach
Richter, Michael; Vieira, Luciana; Sieber, Volker
Journal Article
2021 Enhanced C2 and C3 Product Selectivity in Electrochemical CO2 Reduction on Carbon-Doped Copper Oxide Catalysts Prepared by Deep Eutectic Solvent Calcination
Iwanow, Melanie; Seidler, Johannes; Vieira, Luciana; Kaiser, Manuela; Opdenbosch, Daniel Van; Zollfrank, Cordt; Gärtner, Tobias; Richter, Michael; König, Burkhard; Sieber, Volker
Journal Article
2021 Bioelectrocatalytic cofactor regeneration coupled to CO2 fixation in a redox-active hydrogel for stereoselective C-C bond formation
Castañeda-Losada, Leonardo; Adam, David; Paczia, Nicole; Buesen, Darren; Steffler, Fabian; Sieber, Volker; Erb, Tobias; Richter, Michael; Plumeré, Nicolas
Journal Article
2020 Single step syntheses of (1S)-aryl-tetrahydroisoquinolines by norcoclaurine synthases
Roddan, R.; Sula, A.; Méndez-Sánchez, D.; Subrizi, F.; Lichman, B.R.; Broomfield, J.; Richter, M.; Andexer, J.N.; Ward, J.M.; Keep, N.H.; Hailes, H.C.
Journal Article
2020 Biobased chiral semi-crystalline or amorphous high-performance polyamides and their scalable stereoselective synthesis
Stockmann, P.N.; Opdenbosch, D. van; Poethig, A.; Pastoetter, D.L.; Hoehenberger, M.; Lessig, S.; Raab, J.; Woelbing, M.; Falcke, C.; Winnacker, M.; Zollfrank, C.; Strittmatter, H.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
2020 Pyrolysis of Deep Eutectic Solvents for the Preparation of Supported Copper Electrocatalysts
Iwanow, M.; Vieira, L.; Rud, I.; Seidler, J.; Kaiser, M.; Opdenbosch, D. Van; Zollfrank, C.; Richter, M.; Gärtner, Tobias; König, B.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
2020 Activated carbon as catalyst support: Precursors, preparation, modification and characterization
Iwanow, M.; Gärtner, Tobias; Sieber, V.; König, B.
Journal Article
2019 Isomeren-angereicherte 3-Caranlactame und darauf basierende Polyamide mit hoher optischer Reinheit und einstellbarer Kristallinität für Hochleistungsanwendungen
Falcke, Claudia; Sieber, Volker; Stockmann, Paul; Strittmatter, Harald
2019 New bio-polyamides from terpenes: a-pinene and (+)-3-carene as valuable resources for lactam production
Stockmann, Paul; Pastötter, Dominik L.; Wölbing, Marion; Falcke, Claudia; Winnacker, Malte; Strittmatter, Harald; Sieber, Volker
Journal Article
2019 Verfahren zur Herstellung eines verklebte Elemente aufweisenden Erzeugnisses
Falcke, Claudia; Faltl, Christina; Diener, Julia; Richter, Michael; Sieber, Volker; Landen, Franz Josef
2018 Chemo-enzymatische Synthese eines neuartigen Borneol-basierten Polyesters
Roth, Steffen; Hofer, Michael; Sieber, Volker
Journal Article
2018 Structural and mutagenesis studies of the thiamine‐dependent, ketone‐accepting YerE from Pseudomonas protegens
Hampel, Sabrina; Steitz, Jan-Patrick; Baierl, Anna; Lehwald, Patrizia; Wiesli, Luzia; Richter, Michael; Fries, Alexander; Pohl, Martina; Schneider, Gunter; Dobritzsch, Doreen; Müller, Michael
Journal Article
2018 Enzymatic synthesis of lignin-based concrete dispersing agents
Jankowska, D.; Heck, T.; Schubert, M.; Yerlikaya, A.; Weymuth, C.; Rentsch, D.; Schober, I.; Richter, M.
Journal Article
2017 Chemoenzymatic synthesis of a novel borneol-based polyester
Roth, S.; Funk, I.; Hofer, M.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
2017 Catalytic alkylation using a cyclic S-adenosylmethionine regeneration system
Mordhorst, Silja; Siegrist, Jutta; Müller, Michael; Richter, Michael; Andexer, Jennifer N.
Journal Article
2017 Functional and structural characterisation of a bacterial O-methyltransferase and factors determining regioselectivity
Siegrist, J.; Netzer, J.; Mordhorst, S.; Karst, L.; Gerhardt, S.; Einsle, O.; Richter, M.; Andexer, J.N.
Journal Article
2017 Catalytic alkylation using a cyclic S-adenosylmethionine regeneration system
Mordhorst, Silja; Siegrist, Jutta; Müller, Michael; Richter, Michael; Andexer, Jennifer N.
Journal Article
2017 Preparation of supported palladium catalysts using deep eutectic solvents
Iwanow, M.; Finkelmeyer, J.; Söldner, A.; Kaiser, M.; Gärtner, Tobias; Sieber, V.; König, B.
Journal Article
2016 Fermentative Produktion terpenbasierter Monomere für Biopolymere
Roth, Steffen; Hofer, Michael; Sieber, Volker
Journal Article
2016 Preparation of magnesium, cobalt and nickel ferrite nanoparticles from metal oxides using deep eutectic solvents
Söldner, Anika; Zach, Julia; Iwanow, Melanie; Gärtner, Tobias; Schlosser, Marc; Pfitzner, Arno; König, Burkhard
Journal Article
2016 Back Cover: Preparation of Magnesium, Cobalt and Nickel Ferrite Nanoparticles from Metal Oxides using Deep Eutectic Solvents (Chem. Eur. J. 37/2016)
Söldner, A.; Zach, J.; Iwanow, M.; Gärtner, Tobias; Schlosser, M.; Pfitzner, A.; König, B.
Journal Article
2016 Auf Terpentlactam basierende Polyamide
Falcke, Claudia; Strittmatter, Harald; Wölbing, Marion; Sieber, Volker
2016 A FRET-based biosensor for the detection of neutrophil elastase
Schulenburg, C.; Faccio, Greta; Jankowska, D.; Maniura-Weber, K.; Richter, Michael
Journal Article
2015 Regiocomplementary O-methylation of catechols by using three-enzyme cascades
Siegrist, Jutta; Aschwanden, Simon; Mordhorst, Silja; Thöny-Meyer, Linda; Richter, Michael; Andexer, Jennifer N.
Journal Article
2014 Chemo-enzymatische Synthese bifunktioneller Campherderivate
Hofer, Michael; Strittmatter, Harald; Sieber, Volker
Journal Article
2013 Enzymatic cleavage of lignin beta-O-4 aryl ether bonds via net internal hydrogen transfer
Reiter, J.; Strittmatter, H.; Wiemann, Lars O.; Schieder, D.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
2013 Biocatalytic synthesis of a diketobornane as a building block for bifunctional camphor derivatives
Hofer, M.; Strittmatter, H.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica


Dr. Pranee Inprakhon, lecturer of Mahidol University, Bangkok Thailand, has been awarded a Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship (IIF) from the European Union.


The aim of the project team is to develop such enzymatic reaction routes for the biosynthesis of amines and to scale up this process to the pilot scale.


The aim of the part of the project worked on at Fraunhofer was the optimization of the synthesis of bio-based acrylic acid from activated lactic acid derivatives.


The aim of the BioDiMet project is the development of a robust and straightforward biocatalytic methyltransferase toolbox that can be applied for the selective synthesis of novel bioactives or precursors in an industrial setting.

BioFraMe II

BioFraMe is an innovative, broadly applicable supporting material for the preparation of bio‑based heterogeneous metal catalysts.


We aim at an increased replacement of petro-based surfactants by biosurfactants generated form renewable resources.


ChiBio is adopting the approach of a biorefinery in order to use the biogenic waste material in a holistic way, in other words materially and energetically and as efficiently and completely as possible.


ChitoLogEn is an innovative chitosan-based redox-active polymer. It works as a biobased matrix for the immobilization of redox enzymes on electrodes with applications in bioelectrocatalytic processes including bioelectrosynthesis and energy conversion.


Holistic Chitin conversion to materials for 3D printing application and performance animal feed additives.


The project pursues an ambitious approach to converting CO2 into chemicals with electricity from renewable sources: Similar to photosynthesis, CO2 is to be fixed with electron-transmitting biocatalysts and then linked to further enzymatic conversion steps.


HanAkku are innovative and easy-to-manufacture 100 percent bio-based hemp shive materials for the targeted storage of substances from solutions and their release (biodepots) for diverse use in the energy, water and agricultural sectors.

Hydrophobic proteins for surface functionalization

Binding of functional proteins to membrane surfaces can provide them with new properties.


Plastics and specialty chemicals made from the biopolymer raw material keratin (the main component of animal feathers) to replace fossil sources.

Laboratory for Technical Biopolymers

The Laboratory for Technical Biopolymers is a project to support companies, especially SMEs, on their way to innovative and sustainable substances and materials as well as to resource-efficient processes.


Goal of the project Liberate is the electrochemical cleavage of lignin for the production of phenol derivatives suitable to replace fossil resources.


Developed processes for the chemical industry to produce plastics from wood. The basis are lignins contained in woody biomass.


In the LiMeOx project tailor-made biobased plasticizers are produced from monoterpenes.


The aim of the part of the project worked on at Fraunhofer was the development of a procedure for the purification of Furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA).


The aim of the PFIFFIG follow-up project is to further develop the manufacturing process targeting industrial grade.


In the lighthouse project, technology developments are being driven forward in four complementary areas to demonstrate that sustainable, green chemistry can be achieved through process intensification and digitalization.


In SynHydro3, a compatible platform technology for hydrogen-driven biocatalysis is developed, which can be easily integrated into the existing bioreactor structure.



Tape2Grape is a 100 percent bio-based multifunctional grafting tape for fruit and ornamental trees, which can be equipped with individual biological ingredients.


This project aims to demonstrate a possible solution en route to a biobased economy, as expected by the German Sustainability Strategy or the National Research Strategy Bioeconomy 2030.


Lubricants used in the manufacturing industry are still mainly produced petrochemically from fossil resources.

Further projects



DiMeFu (more info only in German)
